Weclcome to the world of Lilium!!

Please join me in the exploration of news, pictures of new varieties and information I have collected about these gorgeous flowers and other plants I grow.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


My friend in the UK is a gold medal winner at Chelsea Flower Show. He is hoping to add a section to his display of lilies to promote new hybridizers and their creations. The Dutch hybridizers primarily create and produce bulbs for the cut flower industry. That is, upfacing lilies with a solid color. However, their a good market for lilies with spots and chevrons and mixed colors for home gardeners.

His plan is to display lilies. Those that create excitement or are much admired at the show have the possibility of being selected for propogation and production. This would involve assisting you with registration procedures and getting the bulbs ready to market. What is in it for you? Royalties!!!

In order to be considered, you should have at least 3-5 bulbs of the same lily. The bulbs are sent to me in the fall, cleaned and prep[ed for a phytosanitary certification and then shipped to the UK for evaluation and showing. If you are interested, please contact me. This is an ongoing project so if you don't have enough bulbs of your prized creation, please consider reproducing your bulbs to meet the minimum amount. This is a chance to be recognized and maybe, makes some money. Pictures must be submitted prior to shipping to me.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tetraploid Lilium

There appears to be to be a growing interest in Tetraploid lilies. This information comes to me from numerous conversations I have with some of my customers.

What is a Tetraploid lily? This is fairly easy to explain. It is a lily that has four sets of chromosomes vs the two sets (diploid) of chromosomes that normally appear in plant material.

Why would you want a Tetraploid Lily? Because plants having four sets of chromosomes (also called 4n’s) generally are more vigorous and floriferous that it’s diploid counterpart.

How does one get a Tetraploid lily? This is where the subject gets heady!! It is usually a result of chemical introduction during the fertilization and growth of the embryonic cells. The most common chemical used is colchicine. However, this condition can also happen naturally in plants,

Okay, that’s about as technical as I am going to get! Please excuse me as I do not have a degree in Botany or Genetics. So it’s probably not a good idea to discuss such a technical subject!!

Dr, Robert Griesbach, among others, has worked with Tetraploid conversion. Known Tetraploid lilies currently available from http://www.farawayflowers.com/ are:

The Pearl Collection (Asiatic)
Rosella’s Dream (Asiatic)
Chiara (LO)
Tanita (LO)
Vandella (LO)
el Condor (LO)
Santa Rosa (LO)
Faith (LLA)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Pearl Collection -- Information regarding the origin and marketing

The Pearl Collection
The “Pearl Collection” as sold by Faraway Flowers for the 2010 spring delivery has generated a considerable amount of interest into the background of these bulbs. In conjunction with one of my customers, I have been doing some research on the origin of these bulbs.
Several years ago, Dr. Robert Griesbach of Wisconsin sold some stock of bulbs to a Dutch firm for propagation and introduction into the commercial marketplace. These lilies were selected because they were tetraploids and for their garden presence. Among these bulbs were a series of “Pearl” bulbs named after his granddaughters:
Jessica Pink

Justine Orange

Jennifer Spotted yellow

Caroline Orange-red

Gracie Salmon-orange
(The above information was acquired directly from Dr. Griesbach.)
Pearl Jessica was sold by a Canadian firm in 2009. Apparently the stock was not true to name as the resulting flowers were not that similar to the flower picture and description. As a side note, I purchased a group of bulbs from another source that were supposed to be “Satin Slippers.” Upon bloom, these bulbs turned out not to be “Satin Slippers” but had an uncanny resemblance to the photo of Pearl Jessica. Pearl Jessica does not appear to be available from the supplier this year and in no longer in production.
Pearl Justine is currently also being marketed as Pearl Justien by another firm. This is the name given by the Dutch firm that is distributing the bulbs and is confirmed based on sales material distributed by the company.
Pearl Jennifer is apparently marketed correctly based on my information.
Pearl Caroline is currently marketed as “Pearl Carolina.” Based on the description and other information received, this has been sold to me as “Pearl Lorraine.”
Pearl Stacie is most likely the bulb intended by Dr. Griesbach to be “Pearl Gracie.” This information is once again based on pictures, sales materials, and description.
To the best of my knowledge, these bulbs have not been registered. And I further would like to note that the sales material seems to be riddled with spelling discrepancies which leads me to believe that that it may be related to translation errors.
In addition, there appear to be other lilies marketed under the “Pearl” name. However, I do not know if they from Dr. Griesbach’s program. But I am sure they were not part of the original ones named for his granddaughters.